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Coatesville Invitational Vintage Grand Prix

Contact Denis Branca   484-288-8514
Location 3rd and Lincoln Higway, Coatesville, PA, USA
Date September 21, 2019

Driving through the streets of Coatesville on America’s First Historic Super Highway!

This invitational event hosted by the City of Coatesville will feature vintage race cars and motorcycles dating back from the early 1900’s through 1970.

The Coatesville Invitational Vintage Grand Prix was conceived as a unique motorsporting event to bring back the excitement of the early days of motorsports in America, when racing was run on the streets and real roads of small towns and cities across the country.

The CIVGP is not a wheel-to-wheel race. Its is a individually timed sporting event run on a challenging 2.2 mile road course that runs through 5 neighborhoods of the historic city of Coatesville.

Complete with "old style" hay bale chicanes to add even more challenges, the event features vintage race cars and motorcycle in 5 run groups: Group 1 is for 1900 to 1950, "Open Wheeled" race cars, Group 2, is made up of 4-cylinder cars, Group 3 is for 6-cylinder cars, and Group 4 is made up of 8 and 12 cylinder race cars. Group 5 is dedicated to vintage racing motorcycles, always a crowd pleaser.

Each of the run groups wii have two run sessions during the day. Each run session is 20 minutes long for a total of 40 minutes of track time! A hour long break at 12 noon gives you plenty of time to fix, relax, eat, talk to friends, or make some new ones. The paddock will be alive with some great machinery and great people! The entry fee is $200.

During the 12 noon break we have one other group for NON vintage car and bike owners. This is Group 6 and we call it "Lunchtime Touring". Unlike the race car and motorcycle groups, Lunchtime Touring is a pace car lead session that give owners a chance to get on the track and have some controlled, safe, fun. This session also runs for 20 minutes. The entry fee is just $50!

The event gets started at 8:30 am with a Color Guard ceremony and our National Anthem. Cars go off at 9 am and follow a 2.2 mile course along Lincoln Highway encompassing the heart of the city and its neighborhoods.

Just want to watch? ADMISSION IS FREE! This epic motorsport event is free to the public. The Start/Finish line is located at 3rd and Lincoln Highway. First run group starts off at 9 am. Find a great spot along Lincoln Highway to watch all the action of the day. Fun for the whole family!

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