
MorganExp Forum Rules

MorganExp Forum Rules - All Members, Please Read Before Posting

Welcome to the MorganExp Forums!

To help make your visit as constructive as possible, please take your time and read through these rules.
It will help you navigate the pits and traps this community has created for new members ;)

If you need instructions on how to use this website (such as changing your password, setting your profile photo, using signature pictures, fancy formatting, adding vehicles to the registry, etc) please read the MorganExp Help Center and Forum FAQ.

If you need help with your MorganExp account, or you've encountered an error on this website, click Contact Support at the bottom of any page.

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MorganExp Forum Rules

If you see a post that you believe violates any of the following rules, please click the "Report" link below the post in question to flag it for review by a moderator.

Violation of any of these rules may result in post deletion or account suspension at the moderator's discretion, with or without warning.

  1. Please post an introduction in one of the "New Members, Introduce Yourself" sticky topics under the most relevant model forum to you. It's a good idea to read a few topics and get to know the forums before you post, especially if you're new to this website or forums in general.
  2. Use the Search Page before asking a question. Click the magnifying glass icon in the menu bar (at the top of any page) to get to the search page. There's a good chance your question has been asked before.
  3. Use a title/subject that describes the content of your post. Please try to use correct spelling and grammar, and avoid posting in ALL CAPS.

    If you're asking for help with your car, make sure to include all relevant details such as year, model, fitted equipment, and anything else that is relevant to the question. Our members are very clever but they aren't mind readers!

    Make sure to add your vehicles (click the Add Vehicle button on your Home Page or under the Registry menu above), and your list of vehicles will be displayed automatically with your forum posts.
  4. Civil discussion is expected at all times. Be nice to each other and respect the moderator. The occasional heated debate is fine, but profanity, racism, sexism, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. If you're constantly butting heads with someone, stop engaging with them - please take the high ground and be the bigger person.

    Remember that there are people of all ages, genders, opinions, nations, races, and politics on this forum, and all are welcome provided they follow the same rules. Everyone is entitled to their own views, but please respect that others' perspectives and experiences may be completely different. This is first and foremost a car forum, and "flame wars" do not have any place here.
  5. Posting on the forums about your business's products or services is not allowed except under the following conditions. Posts violating this rule will be deleted without notice and repeat offenders may be banned.

    Note: If you're NOT a business this rule does not apply to you. Post your personal items or vehicles for sale in the Buy, Sell & Trade Forum.

    Business use of these forums is allowed in the following cases:

    1. If a member posts a question asking where they can find a particular item, Gold Members or higher (or members with an active banner ad) may post one public reply per topic to solicit a sale. Only questions posted in the previous 6 months may be replied to with a solicitation.
    2. Vendors may start new topics in the Vendor Market Forum, if one exists for this website. A Gold Membership or higher (or an active banner ad) is required to post in the Vendor Market Forum, and is the only forum where businesses may start topics to solicit sales or advertise products or services. If no Vendor Market Forum exists for this website, the Buy, Sell & Trade Forum may be used for advertising with the same membership level requirements.
    3. Gold Members or higher will have their Business Listing displayed automatically below their forum signature. No other business solicitation may occur in your forum signature. You can set up a free Business Listing on your Home Page.
    4. No member may solicit or initiate sales via this forum's Private Message (PM) System, but may reply to a member's purchase inquiry or follow up via PM.
    Example: if a member posts a topic about looking for part X, you (as a vendor with Gold Membership or higher) may post a public reply - as per Rule #5.1 - that you have that part for sale, the cost if you wish, any relevant information. If the original poster posts a public reply indicating they are interested in purchasing the part from you, or contacts you via PM in regards to purchasing the part, you may follow up and make your sale via PM. A vendor may not respond to the original post privately, i.e. via PM, to offer the part for sale.

    A Gold Membership allows you to advertise or solicit sales on one website only: your Home Site as indicated on your Home Page.
    A Platinum Membership (or members with an active banner ad) allows you to advertise or solicit sales on all 20+ websites in the AutoShrine Network.

    Supporting Membership Information | Buy a Supporting Membership | Advertising Programs Information
  6. Please do not post under anonymous or fake names. If it's not something you'd post under your own name, it probably shouldn't be posted at all. Your real first name is required, however your location and last name are optional. You can update your account information by clicking the "My Account" menu at the top of any page or by clicking the Menu button on your Home Page.
  7. If you use an image in your forum signature, please make it no taller than 200px and no wider than 700px.
  8. All political discussion is banned on this website and will be deleted without notice. Political avatars and forum signatures are also off limits.
  9. All adult content including erotica and implied nudity is prohibited anywhere on this website. This is an all-ages audience.
  10. Cross-posting the same content across multiple forums ("spamming") is prohibited.

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