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British Invasion Car Show & Festival

Contact Sandy Turner, President   317-437-4770
Location The Waterfront Inn, 1105 Lake Shore Dr, Lake Sumter Landing, The Villages, FL, USA
Date November 18, 2022

Please join the members of the Villages British Motoring Club for our first all British car show which will include a variety of awards, British car related vendors, photographs of James Bond (Daniel Craig impersonator) behind the wheel of your car and the possibility of winning an oil painting of your car. Ask our Brit car expert your most difficult mechanical question.

The British Festival includes British music, dancing, food and other vendors.

Check in, socializing with other show participants and a lunch buffet at the elegant Waterfront Inn will commence at noon. The show officially runs from 4-8 pm with more socializing at the Inn afterwards.

Please stay for The Villages monthly Cruise In the following day (if your car is at least 30 years old), which runs from 4-9 at another Villages town center, Spanish Springs. There we will be joined by all makes of cars.

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2022-10-21 13:38:48 # 83336
Comment by Steve Fabrizio
Is there a fee to register your car in the show?

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